Combining PDFS

This tutorial will guide you through the process of combining several PDF files into a single PDF file which contains all pages from the selected PDF files.

Using Adobe Acrobat DC

This method will require you to have Adobe Acrobat DC, which is part of the university's Creative Cloud package. For more information on how to obtain Creative Cloud, visit this link.

  1. Select the files you wish to combine, and right click on them. Click “Combine files in Acrobat…”
  2. Acrobat will open, and show you a list of the PDFs you have selected. Order them how you wish using the interface, then click “Combine”.
  3. Acrobat will combine the files into a new PDF, usually called “Binder1”.
  4. Click File >> Save.
  5. The “Save as PDF” window will appear. Click “My Computer” and then click “Choose a Different Folder”.
  6. Browse to where you wish to save the combined PDF, name it using the “File name” field, and click “Save”.
  7. Your combined PDF has now been created at the location you chose in the previous step.