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Managing Disk Space

Every student will be allocated 15GB of disk space on the system. Though this is sufficient for many uses, it might sometimes be necessary to manage your disk space. For example, if your process creates copious debugging output and goes over the limit, your process may be terminated. Some helpful commands to manage your space are df and du.

Issuing the command below will report how much space you have left. The “-h” option prints the results in kilo, mega, and gigabytes rather than “blocks”.

df -h

The du command returns the amount of disk space used by a given file or folder. The “-h” option works similarly for du. Another useful option for du is “-s”, which returns only the “summary” usage of the entire file or directory. This way, you don't see the disk usage of every sub-directory. To return the total disk usage of ~, your home directory, use the command:

du -hs ~

You can check your quota usage with

quota -vs

The “blocks” column is how much you use, “quota” is the amount used that will trigger warnings, and “limit” is the hard-limit.

cluster/managing_disk_space.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/02 13:32 by support