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Remote Desktop

Prior to Connecting

Before you can connect to your work computer, you will need to download and install the campus VPN client. Please visit this link for directions on how to install and connect to the VPN.


  1. Open your start menu and type “Remote Desktop Connection” to find the remote desktop client. Click on the result that Windows finds, and this will open up the remote desktop application.
  2. In the Computer field, type in the economics computer name you are trying to reach. Ex: “”
  3. A pop-up window will appear asking for your credentials. Enter your UMD credentials (username written as “” (without quotes)) and click “OK”.
  4. Upon first connecting, you may get a warning about the computer's identity. Check the “Don't ask me again for connections to this computer” and click “Yes”.
  5. A window will pop up showing your remote computer. You may now use it as you would normally.

Mac OS

NOTE: If you are on Mac OS and cannot connect to your machine, follow these steps.

  1. Uninstall your current Remote Desktop app.
  2. Follow the steps above using the new app.
remote_desktop.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/24 16:11 by schroeder